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January 4, 2014 in Recently Added, Photography, Mixed Media, Digital Arts




Contemporary artist Adri Yash was born in Moscow, Russia in 1988.  Moscow is the capital city and the most populous federal subject of Russia.  The city is a major political, economic, cultural and scientific center in Russia and in Eurasia.


Adri’s fascination with drawing began as a child and continued into adulthood.  After graduating with a Bachelor degree at Financial University (FU) under the Government of the Russian Federation (RF) in 2010 she continued her studies in contemporary culture at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA) where she was awarded a post-baccalaureate certificate in 2011. 


MMOMA, founded in 1992 by a group of artists and art historians is Russia’s oldest educational centre, forming the future of Russian art. The school gives students the unique opportunity to learn theoretical and practical aspects of contemporary art.  It was at MMOMA where Adri developed and nurtured her strong interest in contemporary and abstract art.  At MMOMA she began taking pictures using the photograph as a basic part of her future work, adding color and altering them until they took on an abstract form where parts of the picture are blurred and the original meaning of the photograph no longer lies on the surface.




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All images shown on this sight and elsewhere on the internet are copyright protected and registered – please respect copyrights. All the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, or transmitted in any way without my permission. My images do not belong to the public domain. Â©Adri Yash


Deeper study of the history of modern art at MMOMA has led Adri to experiment with minimalist techniques and works using a variety of media including watercolors, pastels, tempera, oil and acrylic. Adri’s artwork has evolved over the past few years into her latest series of works created in 2013 using a collage technique with paper particles.  At first glance there appears to be a chaotic order to the particles, but upon closer examination the viewer discovers a unique pattern which, together with gloss metallized paper, may resemble diffused cluster constellations.


Adri continues to live, work and develop her abstract photographic and collage techniques in Moscow, Russia.

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