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November 27, 2013 in Featured Artists, Digital Arts, Painting




Digital artist Chandra Bhanu Gupta was born in Kolkota, India in 1960, but he now calls Guwahati, Assam his home. It was around the age of eight when he first picked up a paintbrush, dabbed it in black paint, and stroked it across an area he’d previously covered with white paint. He was amazed at the way the colors mixed, and has been hooked on painting ever since, first working with paint on canvas, but more recently delving into the world of digital painting.


Chandra decided to pursue digital art after realizing that this tool opened more and more doors to greater creative possibilities than he’d ever before imagined.

Deciding to take full advantage of every tool at his disposal to create unique pieces, and now sees digital painting as a way to continue to move the progression of art. Through his efforts, he has learned that the same care and skill taken with manual art must still be taken in digital painting in terms of composition, perspective, depth of field, and form.


The favorite subject of Chandra Bhanu Gupta is the landscape around him, and he describes himself as a mixture of fauvism and expressionism, where painting qualities and bright colors play a very big role on one side and presenting the world solely from a subjective perspective by distorting it radically for unconventional, emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas, and also by deviating somewhat from the physical reality on the other side. Additionally, the mind of the viewer plays an important role as the painting must ignite a feeling for the eternally sublime. Furthermore, to Chandra, a piece of artwork must have some measure of universal appeal, accessible for enjoyment by more than just a select group of experts and connoisseurs.


Several examples of the work of Chandra Bhanu Gupta can be viewed in the gallery below. If you like what you see, and would like to contact him directly, simply complete and submit the contact form located below the gallery.

All images shown on this sight and elsewhere on the internet are copyright protected and registered – please respect copyrights. All the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, or transmitted in any way without my permission. My images do not belong to the public domain. Â©Chandra Bhanu Gupta

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