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January 04, 2014 in Recently Added, Painting




Artist Chris Conner was born in the small town of Waynesboro, Virginia, located in the Shenandoah Valley, near many important historical markers of the Civil War and Shenandoah National Park.


Chris describes himself as a very deep feeling person, born into the Zodiac sign Scorpio.  Painting is his passion.  When he paints, Chris uses color to express the emotion he feel’s inside and see’s within the world around him.  He uses mainly acrylic paint and very bold primary and secondary colors. He often uses a technique called “wet on wet” painting. Chris starts with one color and using his physical energy and a brush he begins to blend paints “wet on wet.”  He lets his thoughts and feelings flow from within his inner core out onto the canvas. Chris never plan’s these pieces beforehand, rather they just come to him as he interacts with the paints on canvas. He often gets “lost” in the process and finds the very act of painting to be somewhat therapeutic personally. Chris finds tremendous emotional value in color and like’s to use a great deal of texture in some of his pieces, creating movement and depth.



Chris states his influences and subject matter are always emotion and color. He states, “I paint to express my emotion and paint to arouse the emotions of others. Art is very subjective and not everyone is going to like what I do. I love what I do and my hope is that I am able to continue to do it until I can do it no more. I painted some as a child and as a teen and art had always caught my eye, but life took over and I put a lot of things that were important to me behind me. About 7 years ago I went to a small art store, purchased canvas, a brush and some paint. I got it home, began to paint and I haven't stopped since.”


Internationally acclaimed artist’s Morris Louis, Jackson Pollock, Willem De Kooning and Mark Rothko have influenced Chris over the years as evidenced in some of his more recent paintings.

Chris currently lives in Palm Springs, California until 2014 when he then plans to relocate to Hilo, Hawaii.  Hilo is the largest town on the island of Hawaii and the second largest in the State of Hawaii.  One can only imagine what emotional and creative influences might be stirred within Chris as he settles into his new home where the Wailuku River meets Hilo Bay on the eastern side of Hawaii’s Big Island.

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