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October 15, 2013 in Featured Artists, Photography, Digital Arts




Balance. Compassion. Harmony. Joy. Inspiration. Light. Love.


To Joyce Dickens, these are more than words; they describe the energies that surround all living things. As a Fine Art photographer, or as she calls it Infused Artography, she excels at capturing these energies, and is constantly on alert for them in the smallest, often unnoticed images encountered in daily life. Her favorite subject matter for her photography includes landscapes, seascapes, and the intricate detail of macro photography.





A native Californian, Joyce grew up on the Monterey Peninsula, but calls Shasta County in Northern California her home since 1977. The natural diversity of her surroundings inspire Joyce to capture images many might not even notice. This skill comes from a lifetime love of photography, as well as a honing of her craft over the past nine years, in which time she feels the camera has become an extension of herself. Joyce finds her true joy in using her trained eye to capture the energies of balance, compassion, harmony, joy, inspiration, light, and love.


Beyond living her dream through her efforts in Numbers Plus Photography, Joyce Dickens considers herself a living, breathing, walking, and talking miracle. Since October 8, 2011, she has beaten the odds on a daily basis as she recovers from a ruptured brain aneurysm, a medical event that only 50% of those who experience it survive, and less than 1% experience no permanent brain damage. Her road to recovery is not complete, nor will it be for some time to come; but she embraces everyday as a miracle and a new beginning.


Enjoy the samples of Joyce’s skill in the images featured below. To see more of her work, visit her website or one of the several locations on line where her work is sold. Also, Joyce invites you to follow her on Twitter or like her on Facebook to keep up with her work. Finally, if you would like to contact Joyce directly to purchase a print of her work, commission a piece, or just encourage her, complete the contact form located below the images.

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All images shown on this sight and elsewhere on the internet are copyright protected and registered – please respect copyrights. All the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, or transmitted in any way without my permission. My images do not belong to the public domain. Â©Joyce Dickens

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