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January 04, 2014 in Recently Added, Painting




M. Jane Johnson is a Virginia based painter who has spent her life dedicated to painting and drawing.  She started painting when she was a very small child in Jacksonville, Florida.  Her first art lessons were private instructions with a lovely British lady, Mrs. Edwards at the tender age of seven.  Mrs. Edwards had the patience of a saint and managed to get Jane to paint still life pieces and learn how to look at things in an artistic way.


Jane went on to receive a BFA from Stratford College, Danville, Virginia where she continued to work on her painting, drawing and printmaking skills. While at Stratford she was fortunate to have participated in two different school trips to Florence, Italy where she spent many long, lovely hours sitting and drawing the scenes around her.




While Jane spent much of her life working in oils and she decided to explore abstract art about 2003 and started working with acrylics as well as oil.  Combining her artistic experiences of working with oil, acrylic, collage and drawing over the years gave Jane the impetus to find a true artistic home working primarily in mixed media.   Jane is a very physical painter really working the canvas with poured paint, throwing paint, loose juicy drips, and bold scribble line work.  She loves rich layers and feels that the use of layering develops a rich story under each piece. She wants her viewers to be pulled into the painting to find the energy and interesting depths that are part of each piece.


Jane’s work has appeared in shows across the Mid-Atlantic area in solo and group shows as well as art fairs.  She walks a path between representational and abstract, moving back and forth depending on the way the painting develops. She has been commissioned for twelve paintings at the Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC and has received recognition in the Washington Post.  Jane was also featured in an article written in the September 2013 edition of Elan Magazine.


Enjoy a small sampling of her art in the slide show below.  More of her art can be seen on her website at  To purchase her art or to commission a one-of-a-kind piece of art, M. Jane Johnson can be contacted directly by clicking on the link provided.

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All images shown on this sight and elsewhere on the internet are copyright protected and registered – please respect copyrights. All the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, or transmitted in any way without my permission. My images do not belong to the public domain. Â©M. Jane Johnson


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