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December 5, 2013 in Featured Artists, Mixed Media, Painting




Los Angeles based artist and design enthusiast Celine specializes in abstracts using acrylics, mixed media, sand, pebbles, rocks, and molding paste in her effort to tell a story. Her love for creating art began as a child when she incorporated her love for aesthetics into her daily surroundings; and has developed into a lifelong passion for creating visceral works of art. Despite her attraction to creative outlets of all types, Celine is formally trained in School Psychology, holding an M.S. degree in that field, as well as a post-graduate certification in behavior analysis.


It was, in fact, her work with children which Celine credits with drawing out her inner child and her former love of creating art. She then enrolled in some informal art classes at The Brentwood Art Center, where she experimented with mediums. However, her two fields of passion collide in her work where she marries the visual expression with the therapeutic qualities evoked by the various colors and textures used. Her vision is to offer decorative artwork and creativity that integrates classic style and modern sophistication with a dose of dramatic edge.

While she draws her inspiration from the natural world around her, interior design, emotions, and her own travels; Celine does not abide by the rules of convention when she paints. Through the creative use of both traditional and non-traditional materials, she creates texture which she describes as a form of dance in that it can be interpreted in various ways, and it adds a rich quality of life to an otherwise flat image. She paints under the belief that moments of greatest creativity come in those moments of reckless abandon when she surrenders herself to the creative process and lets go in rebellion to the tendency to control. It was this advice she received from an art instructor, and through following this that she discovered that true magic occurs in the moment of the unexpected connection to the greatest force of all: creation.


You can see for yourself the creative forces channeled through Celine’s brushes in the gallery below. To view more samples of her work or see a listing of services she provides, click the button below to visit the website of Celine. There is also a button linking to her Twitter account, and you can follow her there for updates as well. Finally, if you’d like to contact Celine directly, complete the contact form located underneath the image gallery.


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